Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu: Umweltschutz entspricht dem Willen Gottes

Setri Nyomi: Den eigen ''lifestyle'' ändern

(WARC, 25. August 2009) The Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu will be following God's will by taking a leading role in efforts to reverse the effects of climate change according to the leader of a global alliance of Reformed churches.

Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu told protecting the environment is God‘s will

(WARC, 25. August 2009) The Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu will be following God's will by taking a leading role in efforts to reverse the effects of climate change according to the leader of a global alliance of Reformed churches.

Evoking the prayer in which Christians ask that the will of God be 'done on earth as it is in heaven', the general secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) says, ‘I don't think global warming which is leading to shifting ecological landscapes for nations such as Vanuatu is in the will of God.'

The General Secretary's comments were made today (25. August) to delegates gathered in Port Vila, the Pacific country's capital, for the 61st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu (PCV)which runs from 23 - 30 August.

In a statement delivered to the national gathering of the country's largest denomination, Setri Nyomi says: 'All in the church need to make a new commitment to changes in lifestyle that reflect the will of God.'

Earlier, Nyomi addressed a group of senior church leaders duringa study seminar which focussed on the legacy for Vanuatu today of the 16th century church reformer, John Calvin. Emphasizing the French lawyer and theologian's concern for the environment, Nyomi quoted a sermon Calvin preached in December 1555 (deutsche Übersetzung auf reformiert-info >>>).

In speaking of cutting down trees, Nyomi noted that Calvin proclaimed: 'Today, such cruelty is even greater among those who call themselves Christians. For today they go about scorching and burning the land which is worse than cutting throats.'

'This is John Calvin speaking 453 years ago,' Nyomi marvels, 'not a 21st century ecological activist.'

During the opening ceremony of the Assembly on Sunday, the country's acting President, Maxime Carlot Korman, and Prime Minister Edward Nipake Natapei affirmed the importance of the church and state working together for the good of the nation. The PCV played a key role in the country's independence movement which led to the creation of Vanuatu, the former New Hebrides, in 1980.

Yesterday's events included the installation of the church's new senior leader, Moses Obed, who will serve in the role of Moderator.

Nyomi in his comments today confirmed WARC's appreciation for the church and its leadership saying: 'Historically the church played a constructive role in the independence of Vanuatu and continues to provide education and health facilities and to speak out on issues of environmental justice.'

Informationen zu Vanuatu und der Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu >>>

The World Alliance of Reformed Churches, Tuesday, 25 August 2009, 9:04 (EST)
Vierte Predigt des Reformators zu 5. Mose 20,16-20

Am 12. August 1949 wurden nach den Erfahrungen des 2. Weltkrieges die Genfer Abkommen unterzeichnet. Ziel war es, die nicht an Kampfhandlungen teilnehmenden Personen zu schützen. Der Genfer Reformator Calvin hat bereits 400 Jahre zuvor für Humanität im Kriegsfall plädiert.
Vor 453 Jahren verurteilte der Reformator das Roden von Wäldern

Das Roden von Bäumen sei eine ''Grausamkeit'', die besonders unter Christen zu finden sei, habe Calvin schon 1555 gepredigt, sagte Setri Nyomi, Generalsekretär des Reformierten Weltbundes auf einem Seminar in Vanuatu.