Church of Scotland: Moderator hits out at 'destructive' selfish society

The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland today (Tuesday 16, February 2010) hit out at Britain's 'destructive' selfish society in his message for Lent. Right Reverend Bill Hewitt urged people to sacrifice their time and talents in service to their neighbour rather than pursuing individual greed.

The Moderator said: "This Lent I'm calling on Kirk members to take something up, rather than give something up.

"Many people use the discipline of these weeks to give up chocolate or fish suppers or the likes, but I prefer the idea of Lent being a time of giving of ourselves in service to others.

"This runs contrary to a culture that suggests that the only thing that motivates people is money.

"As Christian people we are not motivated by financial gain or by living hedonistic celebrity lifestyles, but instead by humbly serving others."

Mr Hewitt continued: "Selfish desires lead us on the path to social and moral destruction.

"No one can fail to see the devastating effect the selfish pursuit of money has had in the financial sector and beyond.

"The 40 days of fasting and prayer before Easter represent the time Jesus spent in the desert overcoming the temptations to use power in the pursuit of wealth, fame and popularity.

"These same temptations face us today. Jesus chose to follow the way of God in humbly serving others and we should choose that way too."

Tuesday 16, February 2010

Barbara Schenck

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