Scotland: Life and Work - May issue

The May edition of Life and Work, the editorially independent magazine of the Church of Scotland is out from April 15.

It has alongside the regular articles and features an interview with the Moderator-Designate the Reverend John Christie on his forthcoming year, while the present Moderator, the Right Reverend Bill Hewitt talks about importance of voting.


An opportunity for reflection

Lynne McNeil meets the Rev John Christie, Moderator-Designate for this month's General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.

As a passionate advocate of children and education, he is keen to mark this year's 450th anniversary of the Reformation and firmly believes youngsters should play an active role in the church.

"Children are the church of today, not the church of tomorrow. They have something to contribute. I think that the work, that is being done by the whole church to engage children and young people in challenging times is very positive and is something we should and could build on."

40 years of the SRT

Life and Work celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Church's Society, Religion and Technology (SRT) Project, which was set up to help the church to engage constructively with the scientific community in Scotland and beyond.

Looking to the future, Dr Murdo Macdonald, the Project's Policy Officer writes: "A degree of 'futurology' may be required in identifying what will be important in the years to come, but as the SRT project looks towards its 40th anniversary, it is clear that much work remains to be done, much wisdom and prayer are still required."

Ballot box views

The Moderator, the Rt Rev William Hewitt, urges people to exercise their right to vote in this month's elections to the Westminster Parliament on May 6.

Writing as one of a number of people offering views on the key issues for Christians, he states: "Voting is not only a civic duty, but is a right we should cherish. We remember those people in the past who won the right to vote and those around the world who envy us for having the freedom to choose our own government. 

"Some people say there is no point in voting because the parties are all the same. This is unfair, as we elect individuals, whose values and opinions will always be different. We have a responsibility to discover what our candidates are saying and what the party manifestos are proposing."

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