
Reformed theologians draft manifesto for economic and ecological justice
An international panel of pastors and theologians is drafting a 'manifesto' on church unity and social justice for a new global organisation of Reformed churches. The text is to be presented in June to the Uniting General Council (UGC) of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) in Grand Rapids, United States.

Barbara Schenck
Scotland: Kirk tells politicians now is the time to save next generation from nuclear threat
Rev. Bill Hewitt: ''The time to scrap nuclear arsenals is now.''
Now is the time for nations to commit to a world free of nuclear weapons the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, told political leaders today.
NL: Confessional speaking about God
Plaisier: ''the declaration that the conceptions of Rev. Hendrikse do not impair the principles of the church is something quite different than legalizing them''
Recently a lot has been written about Rev. Hendrikse. The classical assembly of Zierikzee of the Protestant Church has decided not to start a disciplinary procedure against Rev. Hendrikse because of this conceptions. Meanwhile a lot of comment has been given on this decision. Therefore I want to clarify a number of things.
Church of Scotland: Good News March 2010
News from and for local churches - online
Church of Scotland: Kirk hits out at unacceptable and shameful behaviour of bank
THE Lloyds Banking Group announced today it is to stop funding its charitable arm the Lloyds TSB Foundation in Scotland, bringing to an end a 25-year-relationship that has seen £85 million donated to Scottish charities.

24 February 2010
Scotland: Church announces consultation in Mission and Discipleship
THE Church of Scotland today announced a major consultation on the results of a review by the Mission and Discipleship Council.

Friday 5, February 2010
Belgique: Minarets de la discorde ou du rapprochement ?
Président Liagre: ''La coexistence pacifique des religions et des cultures constitue une valeur importante: elle exige les forces de tous.''
L’Église protestante unie de Belgique privilégie le chemin de la cohabitation et de l’intégration.

Communiqué de l’Église protestante unie de Belgique – 9 décembre 2009
First female German Protestant leader quits after drinking offense Trier
Germany (ENI). The first woman elected to lead Germany's 24 million Protestants through the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), Bishop Margot Kässman, has said she is resigning, only days after she was apprehended for a drink-driving offense. She said she will immediately give up her posts as a bishop and as head of the EKD, but will continue as a pastor.

ENI, 24 February
Church of Scotland: Moderator hits out at 'destructive' selfish society
The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland today (Tuesday 16, February 2010) hit out at Britain's 'destructive' selfish society in his message for Lent. Right Reverend Bill Hewitt urged people to sacrifice their time and talents in service to their neighbour rather than pursuing individual greed.

Barbara Schenck
Dutch church probe decides 'atheist' pastor won't face discipline
Pastor Klaas Hendrikse, Zierikzee is allowed to continue working as a pastor
Utrecht, Netherlands (ENI). A self-proclaimed atheist can continue to serve as a local pastor of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands, and no longer faces disciplinary action because of his controversial position on how to describe God.

ENI, 12 February 2010
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Website of the European Area of the World Communion of Reformed Churches
Internetportal für das Europäische Gebiet der Weltgemeinschaft Reformierter Kirchen