WGRK: Reformed Communiqué December 2012

Goodbye Geneva. Hello Hannover - New financial system needed - Partnership Fund – Out of Africa… into Malta - New Mexican church group ordains first women pastors - Korean Association of Women Theologians wins Swiss prize - Position posting: General Secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches

Reformed Communiqué
December 2012
Vol. 3 No. 4

Welcome to the electronic version of Reformed Communiqué, the quarterly newsletter of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC). It aims to quickly reach a wide audience, including youth and others not yet involved in WCRC, about the critical events in the life of the Reformed family worldwide. It also hopes to draw more WCRC constituents to our website, programmes and resources. We offer this alongside the print and web versions of the newsletter. We welcome your feedback wcrc@wcrc.ch as well as names to add to our list of subscribers. Thank you.

Reformed Communiqué is published quarterly by the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), a fellowship of 80 million Reformed Christians in 230 churches in 108 countries. Its member churches are Congregational, Presbyterian, Reformed, Uniting and United churches with roots in the 16th-century Reformation led by John Calvin, John Knox and others. WCRC has a small secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland.

Editor: Kristine Greenaway

Full version: PDF (December 2012)

Selected articles follow.

Goodbye Geneva. Hello Hannover.

The Executive Committee of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) has voted to relocate its offices from Geneva, Switzerland to Hannover, Germany.

"We welcome the move to Hannover which allows WCRC to continue to live out its mission as a Communion of churches. We will remain focused on our mandate of seeking church unity and justice in society and the economy and respect for the environment," WCRC president, Jerry Pillay said on 5 November in announcing the decision.


Why Geneva of all places?

In this article I want to focus on the question of why the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) has its offices in Geneva. It starts with the decision taken in 1937 to form the World Council of Churches (WCC) and establish its offices in Geneva. In 1938, the Secretary of the World Student Christian Federation, Willem Visser 't Hooft, a Reformed theologian from the Netherlands, was appointed as WCC's General Secretary although the organisation, because of the war, only came into full existence at its founding assembly in Amsterdam in 1948.


New financial system needed

Theologians, anti-poverty advocates and economists have issued a statement naming overconsumption and greed as key factors to be addressed in seeking a more just distribution of the world's resources. Social inclusion, gender justice, care for the environment, and concrete actions to overcome greed are named as criteria for a new economic and financial architecture.


Partnership Fund – Out of Africa… into Malta

Walter and Lillian Donmilic are Christians who fled Nigeria when Islamist militants burned churches and homes. A crowded truck journey across the Sahara took all their savings; several times, the drivers stopped and demanded more money to finish the journey. Early last year, they reached Libya – and found themselves in the middle of a full-blown war. With thousands of other Africans, they desperately sought escape to Europe.


New Mexican church group ordains first women pastors

The first two women pastors in Mexico have been ordained to mark the launch of a new communion of churches in the country. The ordination took place 28 October during celebration of the creation of the Mexican Communion of Reformed and Presbyterian Churches (CMIRP).


Korean Association of Women Theologians wins Swiss prize

An association of feminist Korean theologians has been selected to receive an international prize awarded by women of the Swiss Reformed Churches to organizations or individuals who promote the role of women as church leaders.


Position posting: General Secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) is seeking a General Secretary to be the Chief Executive Officer of WCRC who will be responsible to the General Council and the Executive Committee to direct and coordinate the work of the Communion.


From the General Secretary

Mary said to the angel, "How can this be,…? … The angel said to her, "… For nothing will be impossible with God." 38 Then Mary said, "Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word." (Excerpts from Luke 1: 26 – 38)

The young lady, Mary, must have felt overwhelmed by this particular visit – a strange visitor with a strange message that announced she was to become the mother of a special baby – the Son of the Most High. I like the gift of young people to be straight forward. And so Mary dared to ask, "How can this be?" In return, she received a clear answer, "... nothing will be impossible with God". Mary's response was remarkable.


World Communion of Reformed Churches, 150 route de Ferney, PO Box 2100, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland - Tel: +41 22 791 61 39, Fax: +41 22 791 65 05, Email: wcrc@wcrc.ch, Web: www.wcrc.ch

Gründung der Ungarischen Reformierten Kirche (Hungarin Reformed Church)

22. Mai 2009, konstituierende Synode der Ungarischen Reformierten Kirche in Debrecen, Ungarn
Reformierte Kirchen aus Ungarn, Rumänien, Transkarpatien (Ukraine), Slovakien, Serbien, Kroatien und Slovenien schließen sich zu einer synodalen Gemeinschaft zusammen, der Ungarischen Reformierten Kirche (Hungarin Reformed Chruch).

Barbara Schenck

Theologischer Exekutivsekretär des Reformierten Weltbundes in Baden

Douwe Visser besuchte die Evangelische Landeskirche in Baden
Der Exekutivsekretär für Theologie des Reformierten Weltbundes, Dr. Douwe Visser, besuchte Mitte Mai die Evangelische Landeskirche in Baden. Zunächst trat er als Referent bei einer Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie Baden auf, die sich dem Reformator Johannes Calvin (1509-1564) widmete. Danach nahm Dr. Visser an einer Sitzung der Kirchenleitung in Karlsruhe teil und stellte die Arbeit des Reformierten Weltbundes vor.

Pfr. Hans Georg Ulrichs

die reformierten.upd@te 09.1

Das reformierte Quartalsmagazin / März 2009
Jetzt auch online als PDF: Das Magazin des Reformierten Bundes. Die Themen: Friedensarbeit, Calvinismus-Ausstellung in Berlin, reformierte Ekklesiologie, Texte aus dem Reformierten Weltbund, eine Predigt zu Johannes 19, 16-30 von Jochen Denker

die reformierten.upd@te 09.1.pdf >>>
Jörg Schmidt, Generalsekretär des Reformierten Bundes
Eine neue Internetseite informiert über die Aktivitäten der im Entstehen begriffenen World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), dem Zusammenschluss von Reformiertem Weltbund (WARC) und Reformiertem Ökumenischen Rat (REC).

Barbara Schenck

Größeres Risiko von Gewalt gegen Frauen in der ökonomischen Krise

Der Reformierte Weltbund zum Internationalen Frauentag am 8. März
Geneva (ENI). Women are at higher risk of violence during the current economic crisis, yet the world is paying less attention to their needs, says the World Alliance of Reformed Churches. In a statement to mark International Women’s Day on 8 March, the Reformed churches alliance expresses concern that violent crimes against women, particularly rape and domestic violence, are on the rise at the same time that support for programmes to protect women is under threat. "The world seems to have become almost immunised to the stench of violence against women," said Patricia Sheerattan-Bisnauth, WARC's spokesperson on gender issues, in the 5 March statement.

Barbara Schenck

Churches told to confront ''moral crisis'' in the world economy

''Where are the prophetic voices of the churches?''
The multiple crises confronting the world are fundamentally a moral crisis says the president of the United Nations General Assembly. In remarks recorded for a public hearing on reconciliation in Geneva, Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann asks, ''But where are the prophetic voices of the churches today?''

Setri Nyomi zum Internationalen Jahr der Versöhnung 2009

Generalsekretär des Reformierten Weltbundes warnt vor dem Ausschluss von Immigranten und Minderheiten
Geneva (ENI). Immigrants and minorities in affluent countries are becoming targets of exclusion at a time when the global economic system is facing strains, a global Protestant leader has warned at a gathering in the Swiss city of Geneva. "There has been a resurgence of hate crimes against minorities in a number of nations," said the Rev. Setri Nyomi, general secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, at a 19 February meeting to mark the International Year of Reconciliation proclaimed by the United Nations for 2009.

Barbara Schenck

WARC welcomes statements made at the World Social Forum in Brazil

Reformierter Weltbund begrüßt die Stellungnahmen des Weltsozialforums
The World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) has issued a statement of support in response to a declaration by a representative of the World Council of Churches (WCC) that the global economic crisis offers an opportunity to create a more just financial system.

Quelle: Reformierter Weltbund, 2. Februar 2009

RWB Kommunikation: neue Chefin

Kristine Greenaway: moderne Kommunikationstechniken verbinden
Der Reformierte Weltbund (RWB) hat den leitenden Posten in der Abteilung Kommunikation neu besetzt: Frau Kristine Greenaway von der Vereinigten Kirche von Kanada hat am 5. Januar die Arbeit in der Genfer Zentrale aufgenommen. Sie ersetzt somit John Asling, der die Stelle bis Ende Dezember 2008 innehatte.

Quelle: Internetseite Reformierter Weltbund (RWB)

End the Violence in Gaza

''The rockets from Gaza aimed at Israeli communities are destructive and the suicide bombing incidents cannot be condoned ... We strongly condemn the air and ground assaults from the Israeli Defense Forces leading to senseless deaths ...'' (Reformierter Weltbund)

Pressemitteilung des Reformierten Weltbundes (WARC), 7. Januar 2009