Ein Schritt, ökumenische Partnerschaft zu vertiefen

Der Reformierte Weltbund (WARC) und das Disciples Ecumenical Consultative Council (DECC) trafen sich in Nashville, Tennessee

Geneva (ENI). Two global bodies grouping Protestant Christians, the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Disciples Ecumenical Consultative Council, say they are looking to establish a closer relationship.

Weiteres über das Gespräch zwischen WARC und DECC als Meldung des Reformierten Weltbundes:

World Alliance of Reformed Churches and Disciples look at closer ties

A meeting of World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) and Disciples Ecumenical Consultative Council (DECC) leaders should pave the way for a closer relationship between the two organizations.
WARC and DECC leaders met 26 to 27 July 2008 at the Disciples of Christ Historical Society in Nashville, Tennessee, to continue their conversations on “the development of a comprehensive partnership in pursuit of the visible unity of the church.”

DECC is a council of 19 Disciples of Christ, Churches of Christ, United and Uniting churches established in 1979 to strengthen their common calling to visible unity and mission. Though not a legislative body, it works to enable its member churches to consult with each other about issues of faith, witness and unity. DECC represents 4.5 million Christians around the world.

WARC is a body of Reformed, Congregational, Presbyterian, Waldensian, United and Uniting churches who have since the late 19th century engaged in common witness to Christ and in strengthening their common calling for the unity of the church. It is currently in the process of uniting with the Reformed Ecumenical Council (REC).
WARC and DECC have been in dialogue since the mid-1980s.
The Nashville meeting focused on the relationship between the two groups in light of the plans for WARC to merge in 2010 with REC, forming the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC).
Following the meeting the DECC Reference Committee agreed to ask its member churches to consider a proposal that DECC become an associate member of WCRC so that there might be closer ties in relation to the programmes and governance of WCRC.
WARC general secretary Setri Nyomi said the Nashville meeting marked a “potentially significant” step in the pursuit of Christian unity. “We welcome this important move.”
Robert Welsh, general secretary of DECC, stated, “This gathering marked an important moment for DECC in deepening the partnership we have shared with WARC since 1987, now to include the Reformed Ecumenical Council.
“It is significant that several united churches around the world are already members of both bodies and have been a voice encouraging us to pursue closer relationships in the future.”
The meeting of WARC and DECC leaders also recommended:
- that WARC and REC submit the draft WCRC Constitution to DECC in order to seek comments to be considered for the final version;
- that WARC and DECC share reports of the current status of their separate dialogues with the Roman Catholic Church, as well as their ideas for the future of these talks;
- that WARC share its plans for marking the John Calvin Jubilee in 2009 so that DECC can consider participating;
- that WARC share its and WCRC’s ideas on spiritual renewal so that DECC can consider participating in such efforts.

Quelle: WARC – News releases

Infos zum Disciples Ecumenical Consultative Council (DECC) auf der Homepage des Ökumenischen Rats der Kirchen (ÖRK)

Barbara Schenck
Ein Schritt zur christlichen Einheit

Ein Treffen zwischen dem Reformierten Weltbund (RWB) und dem Disciples Ecumenical Consultative Council (DECC), das im Juli in der Disciples of Christ Historical Society in Nashville, Tennessee, stattfand, sollte den Weg ebnen für eine engere Beziehung zwischen den beiden Organisationen und die Gespräche fortsetzen über „die Entwicklung einer umfassenden Partnerschaft mit dem Ziel der sichtbaren Einheit der Kirche.“


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