WARC welcomes statements made at the World Social Forum in Brazil

Reformierter Weltbund begrüßt die Stellungnahmen des Weltsozialforums

The World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) has issued a statement of support in response to a declaration by a representative of the World Council of Churches (WCC) that the global economic crisis offers an opportunity to create a more just financial system.

“WARC has made repeated calls over the years for a just world economic order that respects the rights and dignity of all peoples and that cares for the earth’s natural resources,” the organisation’s general secretary, Setri Nyomi said. “In this time of global crisis, we have the chance to make our voices heard. But it will take intensive and persistent pressure from church groups to ensure that global decision-making groups and financial institutions act on our calls for a new world economic order that is based on ethics and fairness.”

Nyomi was responding to comments by Rogate Mshana, WCC programme executive for poverty, wealth and ecology, at the World Social Forum (WSF) in Belem, Brazil this week. In his remarks at the global gathering addressing exploitative globalisation Mshana said, “The market is a gift from God because people cannot live without a market. But that relationship must be just."

"The pundits of free market capitalism have not given up," warns Mshana, a Tanzanian economist. "They are simply trying in one way or another to defend it. So I think we should not be naive." The approach Mshana recommends is to examine the extent to which issues of finance and trade can be placed under the auspices of the United Nations.

"We need a contribution of faith based groups, civil society and also other groups from around the world to be participating in this," said Mshana.

In supporting Mshana’s comments, Nyomi pointed to WARC’s document the ACCRA Confession which is based on the theological conviction that the economic and environmental injustices of today’s global economy require the members of the worldwide organisation of Reformed churches to respond to them as a matter of faith. Adopted by the organisation in 2004, the Confession calls on Reformed Christians around the world to work to overcome unjust economic practices as an integral part of their churches’ mission.

“The challenges posed by the ACCRA confession are significant,” Nyomi acknowledges. “It is for that reason that we must be strongly united at the global level in order to work together to meet those challenges. We need the strength of our collective voices in order to be heard in the world’s financial centers.”


Quelle: Reformierter Weltbund, 2. Februar 2009
Täglich Eindrücke der Reise im Blog: www.wsf.ekhn.de

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Pressemitteilung des Reformierten Weltbundes

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Dr. Lajos Békefy
(WARC, Juli 2009) Christians are increasingly articulate critics of economic, social and environmental abuse. What is often missing for ordinary people in those critiques is an idea of what they can do to make a difference at home, in their parishes and in the broader community.
(WARC, 25. August 2009) The Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu will be following God's will by taking a leading role in efforts to reverse the effects of climate change according to the leader of a global alliance of Reformed churches.

The World Alliance of Reformed Churches, Tuesday, 25 August 2009, 9:04 (EST)

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Lajos Békefy

die reformierten.upd@te 09.2

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Pressemeldung des Reformierten Weltbundes vom 7. Juli 2009