Reformed Communiqué - Nachrichten aus der Weltgemeinschaft Reformierter Kirchen (WGRK)

Dezember 2011

Migration - Austausch zwischen Pfarrern in Korea und der Schweiz - Antworten des Glaubens auf die Globalisierung - Generalsekretär Setri Nyomi zum Advent

Reformed Communiqué
December 2011
Vol. 2 No. 4

Welcome to the electronic version of Reformed Communiqué, the quarterly newsletter of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC). It aims to quickly reach a wide audience, including youth and others not yet involved in WCRC, about the critical events in the life of the Reformed family worldwide. It also hopes to draw more WCRC constituents to our website, programmes and resources. We offer this alongside the print and web versions of the newsletter. We welcome your feedback as well as names to add to our list of subscribers. Thank you.

Reformed Communiqué is published quarterly by the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), a fellowship of 80 million Reformed Christians in 230 churches in 108 countries. Its member churches are Congregational, Presbyterian, Reformed, Uniting and United churches with roots in the 16th-century Reformation led by John Calvin, John Knox and others. WCRC has a small secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland.

Editor: Kristine Greenaway

Full version: PDF (December 2011)

Selected articles follow.

Who is my neighbour? – Churches seek faithful responses to migration

The United Nations estimates that 43.7 million people worldwide are now migrants due to war, civil unrest, natural disasters, human rights abuses and lack of economic opportunity. 

Migrant peoples have been the focus of attention in 2011 for many member churches of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC). A delegation from French churches visiting the WCRC office in Geneva earlier this year named the integration of new arrivals into local parishes as a key issue to which they look to WCRC for guidance.


Harvesting fruits of contact among Reformed churches

A model programme promoting contact between local pastors in Korea and Reformed church parishes in Switzerland is enriching congregational life in both countries.

More...  >>> auf Deutsch: Partnerschaftsbeziehung unter Reformierten Kirchen trägt Früchte

Theology is crucial for earth’s survival, says South African professor

The combined effects of globalization and networked communication are transforming the world in ways that can lead either to better life or disaster. How Christians understand what their faith is calling them to do in response to this challenge could make a significant difference according to a South African theologian.


Fight poverty. Promote peace. Give a concert.

The Chief Minister of the Mizoram Government, Shri Lal Thanhawla, was guest of honour at a concert for peace in Aizawl in September. Some of the best singers from Aizawl and Shillong performed in front of an audience of more than a thousand.


Worshiping the Triune God: Sharing wisdom about gathering for worship

This article is the second in a series introducing "Worshiping the Triune God," a working document published following the inaugural meeting of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) in June 2010 (see part one in Reformed Communiqué September 2011).


From the General Secretary

"Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. 5 Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth; 6 and all flesh shall see the salvation of God." (Luke 3:4-6)

Advent season is here again. In this time of joyous expectation for Christians, it is appropriate for us to thank God for coming in human form, invading history, coming to be with us. It is time to renew our anticipation of his coming again.


World Communion of Reformed Churches, 150 route de Ferney, PO Box 2100, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland - Tel: +41 22 791 61 39, Fax: +41 22 791 65 05, Email:, Web:

Treffen von Reformiertem Weltbund (WARC) und Reformiertem Ökumenischen Rat (REC)

WARC and REC governing bodies meet for the first time in Utrecht
Members of the governing bodies of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) and the Reformed Ecumenical Council (REC) will meet in joint sessions for the first time from 6 to 10 October in Utrecht.

Quelle: Homepage WARC

Grußwort Calvins zur Lutherdekade

Eine Entdeckung von WARC und SEK
In einem jüngst entdeckten Brief grüßt der Schweizer Reformator Johannes Calvin seinen deutschen Kollegen Martin Luther zu dessen am 21. September beginnenden Dekade.

Meldung auf der Homepage des Reformierten Weltbundes und des Schweizerischen Evangelischen Kirchenbundes (SEK), 19. September 2008
Ein Treffen zwischen dem Reformierten Weltbund (RWB) und dem Disciples Ecumenical Consultative Council (DECC), das im Juli in der Disciples of Christ Historical Society in Nashville, Tennessee, stattfand, sollte den Weg ebnen für eine engere Beziehung zwischen den beiden Organisationen und die Gespräche fortsetzen über „die Entwicklung einer umfassenden Partnerschaft mit dem Ziel der sichtbaren Einheit der Kirche.“

Barbara Schenck

Engage the powers of destruction, churches urged by international feminist theologians

Patricia Sheerattan-Bisnauth, WARC: ''Resistance to empire is growing and women are very much in the forefront.''
An international group of feminist theologians has issued a dramatic call to churches to engage the world’s destructive powers, stating it is crucial to hear feminist thinking in the debate on theological issues raised by empire.

Barbara Schenck

Ein Schritt, ökumenische Partnerschaft zu vertiefen

Der Reformierte Weltbund (WARC) und das Disciples Ecumenical Consultative Council (DECC) trafen sich in Nashville, Tennessee
Geneva (ENI). Two global bodies grouping Protestant Christians, the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Disciples Ecumenical Consultative Council, say they are looking to establish a closer relationship.

Barbara Schenck

Clifton Kirkpatricks Amtszeit als Generalsekretär der Presbyterian Church (USA) endete

Kirkpatrick retires after guiding US Presbyterians for 12 years
''I really believe there is no better way of being Christian than to be a Presbyterian'', so der amtierende Präsident des Reformierten Weltbundes (WARC) in einem Interview zu Beginn seines ''Ruhestandes'' als ''leader of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)''.

Barbara Schenck

Nachrufe auf Lukas Vischer

Zum Tod eines großen Ökumenikers
Am 11. März verstarb der Schweizer Theologe Lukas Vischer, einer der bedeutendsten Reformierten und Ökumeniker des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Barbara Schenck

Nordamerikanische Kirchen sind Gastgeber der vereinigenden Generalversammlung

Thema der Versammlung: ''Einigkeit im Geist durch das Band des Friedens''
Nordamerikanische Kirchen werden gemeinsam die vereinigende Generalversammlung ausrichten, an der die neue Weltgemeinschaft Reformierter Kirchen (WCRC) gegründet werden soll.

Lukas Vischer gestorben

Schweizer Theologe und Ökumeniker Lukas Vischer 82jährig gestorben
"Lukas Vischer was a tower of strength and a sharp theological mind right until the end," sagte Rev. Setri Nyomi, Generalsekretär des Refomierten Weltbundes gegenüber Ecumenical News International (eni).

Barbara Schenck
Jean-Arnold de Clermont, Pfarrer der Reformierten Kirche Frankreichs und Präsident der Konferenz Europäischer Kirchen (KEK) hat erneut einen Zusammenschluss von Katholiken, Orthodoxen und Protestanten in Europa gefordert.